
Temporary Works Designs

Rubix Consulting understand the specialist load cases that can act on temporary structures and have experience producing robust and economic designs.

For some low risk and straight-forward Temporary Works items, such as system scaffolds erected to standard configurations, the use of pre-prepared standard solutions and data tables may be appropriate.

However most other Temporary Works require an engineered solution designed by a competent person with suitable experience.

The loads that act on a Temporary structure, such as those arising from wind, construction operatives and personnel, soil pressures and construction plant need to be accurately assessed.

The Temporary Works are then designed to safely accommodate these loads in accordance with the relevant British or European design codes and/or best practice guides.

The team at Rubix Consulting have a sound understanding of the specialist load cases that can act on temporary structures and have experience of using relevant structural design codes and guidance documents to produce robust and economic designs.

We also understand that giving consideration to the installation or construction of Temporary Works can be just as important as the finished design itself. We therefore carry out a review of site-specific constraints and limitations during the design process.

It is usual for specialist scaffold, formwork and excavation support designers to not design some ancillary items such as foundations, bespoke timber stop-ends and concrete thrust blocks – to name but a few. We can bridge this gap for you and design these items – plus many more.

So why not get in touch to see how we can help…